I'll help you find your personal healthy lifestyle

I specialize in preventive medicine. I help you maintain and prolong your beauty, youth, and active longevity


If this is about you, I will be able to help

You want to get rid of excess weight

Despite visiting all the doctors, the desired pregnancy hasn't occurred yet

You feel somehow "not entirely well," yet the doctors assure that everything is fine

You just woke up, and have no energy

Low libido

You're in your 40s and have a lot to achieve, but it's essential to prioritize your health

We'll Find Out Together

What health indicators and tests you need to monitor

How to prioritize having enough energy for the whole day and even more

What kind of questions you need to ask your doctors to stay healthy

What vitamins and supplements are a must for you

Which foods are beneficial for you, and which ones are slowly killing you

How to improve your sleep quality to get a good night's sleep

result: You will have total clarity
about the situation you are in and the first steps you need to take to improve it
During the consultation
  1. I will find the cause of the problem
  2. Determine the first steps to solve the problem
  3. If necessary, prescribe a list of necessary tests
  4. Determine the usefulness of further work together.
Counsultation is useful
  • If you are concerned about your well-being, appearance, and lifestyle.
  • You honestly admit it.
  • You want to change it, and you are ready to listen and act.
Personal consultation
To book an appointment, click on the "Book a consultation" button, choose a convenient day and time, and make your payment
45 minutes
150 EUR
In Zoom
in addition
Video recording of the consultation
Dr. Elena Priedeslaipa
Doctor of preventive and anti-age medicine
Metabolic biochemist
Body therapist
Composition expert
Author of media articles
Immuno dietitian
Author of the book
Body & Mind Empowering Master
Doctor of preventive and anti-age medicine
Metabolic biochemist
Body therapist
Composition expert
Author of media articles
Immuno dietitian
Author of the book
Body & Mind Empowering Master
I came to my field after a very serious illness. I discovered that medicine and doctors, despite my complaints and suggestions to find solutions how to make my life better, missed everything. Then I realized that I wanted people to have a place where they could turn without waiting for the illness to come.
Constantly update my knowledge base and keep up with the latest developments in medicine as a science - keeping up with research is part of my competence as a speaker - always being up to date
I believe it is important to bring balance and harmony into people's lives by realizing the trinity of true health:
  • Work with physiology and biochemistry
  • Work with thinking, attitudes, and psychosomatic
  • Build an active social life
in medicine since
years in education
To maintain confidentiality, some customer names have been changed:
Ieva Burmeistere
Google review
Thank you for the detailed explanation of the effects of vitamins on the body!

I suspected that taking vitamins without a specific need is bad for your health! I recommend you listen to Elena's explanations, which are also available in video format!
48 y.o.
I wanted to get a professional's opinion about vitamins and about my health in general. After the consultation, I had clarity and confidence about what to do and what not to do.

Specialists like Elena are very much needed. They help us to prevent illness and to prevent things from getting worse. I believe that doctors should use preventive medicine methods.
37 y.o.
I like Elena's approach - take care of yourself and fix the cause before your body starts "screaming" that it is bad.

Elena gave me a list of necessary tests to undergo to see the true state of my health.

After receiving the results of the tests, I will make another appointment for a consultation to analyze the results and determine the next steps.
50+ y.o.
During my first consultation, the thought came to mind that I was finally in the hands of a competent and caring doctor! It's great to have a specialist who knows how to prevent age-related changes and, on the basis of tests, can draw up an individual program to correct them! I will now go for a check-up to see how my kidneys are doing. Thank you for pointing out the elevated reading. I completely forgot about it!
31 y.o.
Elena drew my attention to important issues and made the necessary recommendations.

She also recommended a specialist who specialises in my problem, because she knows the whole system inside out!

I highly recommend consulting Elena to understand where to go and what to do to feel well. An outside perspective is very important!
46 y.o.
Elena is a Professional! With a holistic approach, solves problems in a complex way. She "treats" the cause, not the consequences.
Other services
I will develop a personalized guide for your health and active life, tailored to your body's specific needs
I will develop a personalized care system and choose cosmetic products individually suited to your skin
Useful and practical material
'List of tests that will show you what is really happening to your body'
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